By the old legend there is a cosmic dancer.
Dancer is consuming energy in order to move,
Dancer takes all energy , she needs to move , if she
would stop dancing she would die. She is not bad or good,
she just must dance,
When she moves to another plane, she leaves empty space, vacuum behind her
In this vacuum, something new,something precious can arise.
Not so long ago I come across slow-motion photos of dancers. I was mesmerized, I had to think about those pictures all the time
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I could not push them out of my mind . Especially photographs of Sufi dancers radiated very strong energy . These images capture incredible energy, incredible power, spiritual wisdom and the moment of transcendental changes .
We can feel very same power from religious dances of Native Indians, ritual dances performed by African or Aboriginal and many others .
When you can watch those dancers from close distance, you are taken to the vortex of this strong cosmic energy.
Those slow motion images have been in my mind for sometime, they have been coming back during my mediation and I had to transform my feeling , my thoughts in the language of strings.
My effort was to capture the movement, which also
its point of rest. Stopped in the whirl of flickering, this resting position is invisible to the human eye, we are not capable to notice it, yet in a hectic dance full of emotion and savagery we find a moment of sacred peace, which sows the seed of new creation.
Tiamat is the Sumerian goddess, the mother of God, the mother of all creation.
Very seldom I would use such a strong contrast like red, black and yellow color . This time I chose this combination, for me it is a combination of joy, strength, new birth, but also a symbol of the mystery of the ancient Maya, Aztecs and the original population of Australia. All of them are united by a similar legend about our creation.
When I close my eyes I imagine how Tiamat danced through the cosmic plane, with powerful blows from her wings,stupefying breath, breathed life into her imagination and created beauty and pain at the same time. Tiamat created life .
Every artist has its own way how to express his / her , feelings , emotions, philosophy . For me colorful threads are helping me to reflect mine inner world.
its point of rest. Stopped in the whirl of flickering, this resting position is invisible to the human eye, we are not capable to notice it, yet in a hectic dance full of emotion and savagery we find a moment of sacred peace, which sows the seed of new creation.
Tiamat is the Sumerian goddess, the mother of God, the mother of all creation.
Very seldom I would use such a strong contrast like red, black and yellow color . This time I chose this combination, for me it is a combination of joy, strength, new birth, but also a symbol of the mystery of the ancient Maya, Aztecs and the original population of Australia. All of them are united by a similar legend about our creation.
Every artist has its own way how to express his / her , feelings , emotions, philosophy . For me colorful threads are helping me to reflect mine inner world.