This trip was totally different from all trips that I ever took.
This time I did not fly like usual , just airplane ticket and no plans what so ever.
I had meet Silvia through Facebook, she liked my art work and she wanted to learn bobbin lace technique. She invited me to her house to teach her.
For me this was totally unusual experience. I never went to visit somebody whom I did not know. I did not know how everything will work out , you know you are going to meet somebody who you do not know, you can become friends or you would not. I did not know too much about her, just short article from internet and some information from her webpage. http://www.galeriaoctagono.com/
She made us at home at her cabin. Cabin is has great atmosphere , it is like a small retreat in the heaven. Cabin is very cozy decorated with her husband hand made furniture.
I had great time teaching Silvia lace , we had a lot of fun, we laughed a lot. We even invented new terminology. Since Silvia is very musical we called tape lace cha-cha. When we did not know how to call something we would call it chunche .... this is word in Costa Rica for a thing, in Czech language it has meaning also.... it is a small pig or we would call somebody chunche if he is dirty. I like Silvia's sense of humor a lot.
Her husband Richard is man with great knowledge of nature. He loves to walk and would walk you for hours through beautiful nature and always would find something interesting to point out. And he is not afraid of the snakes. Well I am:)