I did not know what to expect when we decided to travel through Asia. I read a lot about Thailand, Laos, Cambodia.... but I could not imagine beauty which we found on our trip. Somebody said, that if you go to Thailand it will change you for ever.
Of course it will; from every corner Buddha is smiling at you. It looks like his smile is very contagious. Everybody is smiling too.
Pred nasi cestou do Asie jsem nevedela presne co mam cekat. Samozrejmne, ze jsme si nastudovali vse mozne o Thajsku, Laosu, Kambodii,ale krasu techto mist jsme si jen s tezi mohli predstavit. Nekdo kdysi rekl, ze Thajsko zmeni kazdeho sveho navstevnika. Samozrejmne, ze zmeni, kdo by odolal Budhovu usmevu, ktery nas provazi na kazdem kroku. Vypada to, ze jeho usmev je velmi nakazlivy. Kazdy se privetive usmiva.
Colorful nature of this part of Asia, beautiful flowers, magnificent trees are creating haven on Earth. You do not have to have a big imagination to see world of fantasy which is imprinted in every tree. Not just branches radiating energy and calmness, but also roots are so impressive, they interlace together creating almost ornamental designs. All you need is just to sit and watch , this beauty will grow into you and it will never leave you. You will take this with you everywhere where you go.
Uzasne stromy, rozmanita kvetena tohoto asijskeho koutu vytvari raj na zemi.Nemus mit velkou predstavivost aby te tvary stromu, kresba v jeho kure ci spletite koreny vnesly do sveta kralovstvi maginace. Koruny stromu vyzaruji neuveritelnou silu a klid. Koreny stromu, ktere se propletaji , prorustaji vytvareji temer krajkovy ornamentalni vzor. Nemusis nic delat, jen si tise sedni a pozoroj tuto nadhernou hru prirody, jeji krasa tebou nepozorovane poroste a zustane navzdy v tobe. Kamkoliv pujdes budes ji navzdy nosit v sobe.

I reached in experience the nirvana which is unborn, unrivalled, secure from attachment, undecaying and unstained. This condition is indeed reached by me which is deep, difficult to see, difficult to understand, tranquil, excellent, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, and to be realized only by the wise.
Uzasne stromy, rozmanita kvetena tohoto asijskeho koutu vytvari raj na zemi.Nemus mit velkou predstavivost aby te tvary stromu, kresba v jeho kure ci spletite koreny vnesly do sveta kralovstvi maginace. Koruny stromu vyzaruji neuveritelnou silu a klid. Koreny stromu, ktere se propletaji , prorustaji vytvareji temer krajkovy ornamentalni vzor. Nemusis nic delat, jen si tise sedni a pozoroj tuto nadhernou hru prirody, jeji krasa tebou nepozorovane poroste a zustane navzdy v tobe. Kamkoliv pujdes budes ji navzdy nosit v sobe.
Dosahl jsem zazitku Nirvany, ktera je nezrozena, nesdelitelna, nezavisla, nesmrtelna a neposkvrnena. Tento stav ktereho jsem dosahl je hluboko ve mne, je tezko videt, tezko rozumet, je tichy, za za hranicemi logickeho mysleni, jemny, nenasilny a muze byt realizovany pouze modrymi.