Our lives are very similar. We are coming form light and after long journey, we are returning to our source, too. Maybe we continue our lives in reincarnations circles the very same way the water from the glaciers does.
Inspiraci pro tuhle krajkou mi byla nase posledni cesta po Jizni Americe. Tentokrat nase kroky zamirily do oblasti vecnych ledovcu. Nasim cilem byl ledovec Perito Moreno. Zdejsi priroda oplyva neprekonatelnym a neopakovatelnym kouzlem. Ledovec neustale se tvorici vysko v horach, postupuje neunavne dolu do udoli, kde se s treskutym dunivym hlukem a praskotem riti do masy vody. Kusy ledu pomalu tise a dustojne pluji po jezere tise se rozpoustejice smeruji k mori.
Je to jako alegorie nasich zivotu. Prichazime ze svetla, jdeme pouti zivota, abych na jeho konci se opet sjednotili s nasim nekonecnym zdrojem. Mozna, ze i my stejne jako ledovec, prochazime vecnou reinkarnaci.
In this harsh and cold environment , everything -included trees- radiates a special power. It looks like those very cold winters and strong wind created something beautiful and unrepeatable. You can feel pure energy vibrating from every piece of the surrounding nature.
V teto velmi drsne prirode, kde studene mrazive vetry slehaji zimni krajinu, je ukryta krasa a neopakovatelne kouzlo.
Z kazdeho kousku zeme je vyvera cista silna energie, energie spiritu prirody.

This nature was inspiration for my "Free Spirit" I wanted my design to carry the same energy, which I was able to feel in Argentina.
The same strong, pure energy which our Mother Earth is giving us.

This nature was inspiration for my "Free Spirit" I wanted my design to carry the same energy, which I was able to feel in Argentina.

I do not like to follow any strict and detailed instructions , not even my own. Therefore, my designs are always done just in simple lines. That allows me to work freely. I can change my pattern or colors -if necessary- during process of creating bobbin lace.
Tato uslechtila priroda se stala mou inspiraci pro mou krajku......... Snazila jsem se zachytit ve svem navrhu cistou energii, prostupujici malebnou krajinu okoli ledovcu.
Navrh vzdy tvorim v jednuduchych liniich. Nikdy jej nerozkresluji d detailu. A to ze dvou duvodu, nerada nasleduji jakekoliv instrukce, ani me vlastni. Druhym duvodem je, ze tenhle volny navrh mi umoznuje volne tvorit. Mohu dat prostor sve imaginaci a menit volne barvnou konbinaci ci vazbu podle potreby. Timhle zpusobem mohu tvorit volne bez jakychkoliv omezeni. Krajka takto ozije svym vlastnim zivotem a ma imaginace mne prenese do jine reality.
Modre tony Free Spirit koresponduji s neopakovatelnou silou a cistotou ledovcu.

Working this way is almost like a meditation. I can concentrate and follow my inspiration and let the bobbin lace take its own course. This way I am free and can allow my imagination to take me to different reality.
This will give bobbin lace its own life.
In my work I am always very careful about harmony. In this piece I have choosen blue color and its variations. Blue colors most closely correspond with nature around glaciers
In my work I am always very careful about harmony. In this piece I have choosen blue color and its variations. Blue colors most closely correspond with nature around glaciers