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Friday, June 20, 2014

Lucid dream

Before we left for our trip to Asia I started to work on this lace.
As it is usual for me, inspiration for me was beautiful piece of wood.
In this piece you could hear the song which he was singing.
All story of the the tree was hidden in this small piece ; wisdom, strength of the tree, joy but also sadness. 

Nez jsme odjeli na nase 4 mesicni putovani po Asii, zacala jsem palickovat tuto krajku. Jako mnohdy jindy inspiraci mi byl nadherny kus dreva, ktery zpival svou pisen svetu.
V tom kousku casti mohutneho stromu se ukryval otisk jeho sily, otisk jeho duse. Veskera radost, moudrost, ale i smutek, se zrcadlil v tomto malem zazraku.

For some people making bobbin lace could appear like a very boring. You twist bobbins from left to right, you use pins and sometimes crochet hook .So why to write about it?

Pro mnohe pozorovatele muze by
t palickovani nezazivne.. Na prvni pohled je to velmi jednotvarna cinnost.Palicky se prehazuj
i z leva do prava a pak zase zpet. Tu a tam se zapichne spendlik do okraje a obcas na pomoc prispecha hacek.
Tak o cem vlastne psat?

But it's actually a kind of a little adventure. Especially when the mind  drifts by  melodic clicking of bobbins. An interesting story begins to unfold and maybe will also mystery music could be heart.
Soul of the tree will start to whisper its wisdom,its  cosmic dance.

Ale ono je to vlastne takove male dobrodruzstvi. Zvlaste, kdyz se mysl necha unaset melodickym klikanim palicek o sebe. Tu se zacne odvijet zajimavy pribeh a mozna zazni i tajemna hudba dalek.Tu duse stromu zacne vypravet svou moudrost, septat svuj kosmicky tanec.A palicky souzni s jejim rytmem. 

To make bobbin lace is very poetic, it is play with lines and deep spaces, it is world of magic and wonder.
But it can also be very stressful, especially when my playful pit bull knocks my pillow with bobbins down.All threats tangles together and now I am facing big decision , should I just cut all bobbins and start again, or should I test my patience and slowly untangle the bobbins?
You see to make bobbin lace is not boring at all.

Samotne palickovani je nadherna poeticka hra skotacivych linii a hlubokych prostor . je to svet sam pro sebe, svet magie a zazraku.

Ale take to muze byt poradne adrenalinova zalezitost, zvlaste, kdyz uprostred prace, se ke mne pritoci nas pitbul a radostne zamava ocasem, val leti do vzduchu a ...... 
pak je to cviceni trpelivosti, rozmotat vsechny prize, ktere se zamotaji do sebe jako opili silvestrovnici a nebo vzit nuzky a zacit znovu? 

Samotne palickovani je nadherna poeticka hra skotacivych linii a hlubokych prostor . je to svet sam pro sebe, svet magie a zazraku.

Ale take to muze byt poradne adrenalinova zalezitost, zvlaste, kdyz uprostred prace, se ke mne pritoci nas pitbul a radostne zamava ocasem, val leti do vzduchu a ...... 
pak je to cviceni trpelivosti, rozmotat vsechny prize, ktere se zamotaji do sebe jako opili silvestrovnici a nebo vzit nuzky a zacit znovu?No proste v zadnem pripade to neni nikdy zadna nuda.