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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Article from Threads magazine
April M. Mohr, contributor
What is Bobbin Lace?
Bobbin lace has been around since the 16th century where it evolved from passementerie (braid-making) in Italy. The yarns and threads used in bobbin lace became finer and colors more beautiful over the years. The lace was originally used to make braids and beautiful edging. Because making bobbin lace didn't require expensive tools or notions and it was relatively easy to learn, it became popular as a way for women to earn a living. Until the invention of lace-making machines, hand lace-making continued to be popular throughout Europe, especially when lace-trimmed garments and other lace products were in vogue.
Today bobbin lace is considered a fine but not particularly popular craft. It is made with a variety of natural and synthetic fibers as well as with wire and other filaments. The techniques used today are similar, if not identical, to the techniques used years ago, with perhaps a more intricate repertoire of lace patterns among today's lace makers.
Bobbin lace is made by braiding and twisting lengths of thread, which are wound on bobbins to manage them--hence its name. It is sometimes known as bone lace because early bobbins were made of bone or ivory or pillow lace because the lace is formed over some sort of pillow. As the work progresses, the weaving is held in place with pins set in a lace pillow, the placement of the pins are usually determined by a pattern or pricks pinned on the pillow.
Meet Bobbin Lace Hat Designer Daniela BanatovaI was lucky enough to meet (electronically) Daniela Banatova who has worked with bobbin lace for some time. Her work is amazing because it is so different from the types of ready-made lace we see today. Daniela makes hats using this technique, often using contrasting colors. She learned the technique while attending art textile design school. Her goal has been to give this old technique a new language and use it in new forms of "modern art." She is currently creating hats which will be exhibited in April in Prague. Daniela was born in the Czech Republic, but currently lives and works in Florida.
How To Make Bobbin Lace HatsDaniela uses old felt hats for a "pillow" on which to secure her stitches. She draws basic design lines on the felt hat with chalk. Than she uses her bobbins to begin to work around this pillow creating small sections at a time. She connects them using a crochet hook.When she's done with the hat crown, she sketches the shape of the brim on a piece of white paper making sure the center of this circle fits into the opening of the hat and creates a brim. Then she neatly sews the two parts together, and lastly adds starch as a stiffener. She puts the finished hat back on the felt pillow and sprays starch over it. When it's dry, she repeats this step one more time. Contrary to almost all lace makers today, she does not draw her design in great detail. She simply makes a basic sketch, and lets her imagination lead her design as it is created. This makes each of her hats unique. Why does she do this? "I think every woman wants to have something uniquely special--something that no one else has." Inspiration for her hats comes from nature, but her style inspiration comes primarily from the 1920s through the 1940s. She considers this period a time when fashion emphasized female beauty and originality. I am thoroughly amazed by the detail in her hats, and one of these days, I'd like to give this unusual art form a try.Have you ever tried bobbin lace? If so, tell us about your experience.
What is Bobbin Lace?
Bobbin lace has been around since the 16th century where it evolved from passementerie (braid-making) in Italy. The yarns and threads used in bobbin lace became finer and colors more beautiful over the years. The lace was originally used to make braids and beautiful edging. Because making bobbin lace didn't require expensive tools or notions and it was relatively easy to learn, it became popular as a way for women to earn a living. Until the invention of lace-making machines, hand lace-making continued to be popular throughout Europe, especially when lace-trimmed garments and other lace products were in vogue.
Today bobbin lace is considered a fine but not particularly popular craft. It is made with a variety of natural and synthetic fibers as well as with wire and other filaments. The techniques used today are similar, if not identical, to the techniques used years ago, with perhaps a more intricate repertoire of lace patterns among today's lace makers.
Bobbin lace is made by braiding and twisting lengths of thread, which are wound on bobbins to manage them--hence its name. It is sometimes known as bone lace because early bobbins were made of bone or ivory or pillow lace because the lace is formed over some sort of pillow. As the work progresses, the weaving is held in place with pins set in a lace pillow, the placement of the pins are usually determined by a pattern or pricks pinned on the pillow.
Meet Bobbin Lace Hat Designer Daniela BanatovaI was lucky enough to meet (electronically) Daniela Banatova who has worked with bobbin lace for some time. Her work is amazing because it is so different from the types of ready-made lace we see today. Daniela makes hats using this technique, often using contrasting colors. She learned the technique while attending art textile design school. Her goal has been to give this old technique a new language and use it in new forms of "modern art." She is currently creating hats which will be exhibited in April in Prague. Daniela was born in the Czech Republic, but currently lives and works in Florida.
How To Make Bobbin Lace HatsDaniela uses old felt hats for a "pillow" on which to secure her stitches. She draws basic design lines on the felt hat with chalk. Than she uses her bobbins to begin to work around this pillow creating small sections at a time. She connects them using a crochet hook.When she's done with the hat crown, she sketches the shape of the brim on a piece of white paper making sure the center of this circle fits into the opening of the hat and creates a brim. Then she neatly sews the two parts together, and lastly adds starch as a stiffener. She puts the finished hat back on the felt pillow and sprays starch over it. When it's dry, she repeats this step one more time. Contrary to almost all lace makers today, she does not draw her design in great detail. She simply makes a basic sketch, and lets her imagination lead her design as it is created. This makes each of her hats unique. Why does she do this? "I think every woman wants to have something uniquely special--something that no one else has." Inspiration for her hats comes from nature, but her style inspiration comes primarily from the 1920s through the 1940s. She considers this period a time when fashion emphasized female beauty and originality. I am thoroughly amazed by the detail in her hats, and one of these days, I'd like to give this unusual art form a try.Have you ever tried bobbin lace? If so, tell us about your experience.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Free Spirit
My last creation is reflection of my last trip to South America. This time we went to see Perito Moreno glaciers in Argentina. Nature here is absolutely amazing. Glaciers are falling down to the water with strange, strong noises. In the mountains new glaciers are forming every minutes from rain, snow.... and than they are slowly walking down to the valley, where they are falling into the water . With the big splash they complete their circle of life. Now in different form they are running to the ocean, to be united with their source. And it continues again and again. It is the breath of our planet.
Our lives are very similar. We are coming form light and after long journey, we are returning to our source, too. Maybe we continue our lives in reincarnations circles the very same way the water from the glaciers does.
In this harsh and cold environment , everything -included trees- radiates a special power. It looks like those very cold winters and strong wind created something beautiful and unrepeatable. You can feel pure energy vibrating from every piece of the surrounding nature.
V teto velmi drsne prirode, kde studene mrazive vetry slehaji zimni krajinu, je ukryta krasa a neopakovatelne kouzlo.
Modre tony Free Spirit koresponduji s neopakovatelnou silou a cistotou ledovcu.
Working this way is almost like a meditation. I can concentrate and follow my inspiration and let the bobbin lace take its own course. This way I am free and can allow my imagination to take me to different reality.
Our lives are very similar. We are coming form light and after long journey, we are returning to our source, too. Maybe we continue our lives in reincarnations circles the very same way the water from the glaciers does.
Inspiraci pro tuhle krajkou mi byla nase posledni cesta po Jizni Americe. Tentokrat nase kroky zamirily do oblasti vecnych ledovcu. Nasim cilem byl ledovec Perito Moreno. Zdejsi priroda oplyva neprekonatelnym a neopakovatelnym kouzlem. Ledovec neustale se tvorici vysko v horach, postupuje neunavne dolu do udoli, kde se s treskutym dunivym hlukem a praskotem riti do masy vody. Kusy ledu pomalu tise a dustojne pluji po jezere tise se rozpoustejice smeruji k mori.
Je to jako alegorie nasich zivotu. Prichazime ze svetla, jdeme pouti zivota, abych na jeho konci se opet sjednotili s nasim nekonecnym zdrojem. Mozna, ze i my stejne jako ledovec, prochazime vecnou reinkarnaci.
In this harsh and cold environment , everything -included trees- radiates a special power. It looks like those very cold winters and strong wind created something beautiful and unrepeatable. You can feel pure energy vibrating from every piece of the surrounding nature.
V teto velmi drsne prirode, kde studene mrazive vetry slehaji zimni krajinu, je ukryta krasa a neopakovatelne kouzlo.
Z kazdeho kousku zeme je vyvera cista silna energie, energie spiritu prirody.
This nature was inspiration for my "Free Spirit" I wanted my design to carry the same energy, which I was able to feel in Argentina. The same strong, pure energy which our Mother Earth is giving us.
This nature was inspiration for my "Free Spirit" I wanted my design to carry the same energy, which I was able to feel in Argentina. The same strong, pure energy which our Mother Earth is giving us.
I do not like to follow any strict and detailed instructions , not even my own. Therefore, my designs are always done just in simple lines. That allows me to work freely. I can change my pattern or colors -if necessary- during process of creating bobbin lace.
Tato uslechtila priroda se stala mou inspiraci pro mou krajku......... Snazila jsem se zachytit ve svem navrhu cistou energii, prostupujici malebnou krajinu okoli ledovcu.
Navrh vzdy tvorim v jednuduchych liniich. Nikdy jej nerozkresluji d detailu. A to ze dvou duvodu, nerada nasleduji jakekoliv instrukce, ani me vlastni. Druhym duvodem je, ze tenhle volny navrh mi umoznuje volne tvorit. Mohu dat prostor sve imaginaci a menit volne barvnou konbinaci ci vazbu podle potreby. Timhle zpusobem mohu tvorit volne bez jakychkoliv omezeni. Krajka takto ozije svym vlastnim zivotem a ma imaginace mne prenese do jine reality.
Modre tony Free Spirit koresponduji s neopakovatelnou silou a cistotou ledovcu.
Working this way is almost like a meditation. I can concentrate and follow my inspiration and let the bobbin lace take its own course. This way I am free and can allow my imagination to take me to different reality.
This will give bobbin lace its own life.
In my work I am always very careful about harmony. In this piece I have choosen blue color and its variations. Blue colors most closely correspond with nature around glaciers
In my work I am always very careful about harmony. In this piece I have choosen blue color and its variations. Blue colors most closely correspond with nature around glaciers
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Pearl of India
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Dobry den,
moc rada bych Vas pozvala na vystavu, ktera zrovna probiha v Praze. Ma kamaradka Jarmila Kralova mne prizvala na vystavu ctryr vytvarniku v Chvalském zámku v Horních Počernicích.( vystavujici: Jarmila Kralova, Daniela Banatova,Lukáš Hausenblaus a Tomáš Jedlička)
Vernisaz k teto vystave jiz probehla, ale o nic neprijdete. 18. kvetna v 19 hodin prostory zamku rozevuci tajemne tony lyry Jana Braunsteina . Jestli budete pobliz jiste si nenechte ujit tento povznasejici zazitek.
moc rada bych Vas pozvala na vystavu, ktera zrovna probiha v Praze. Ma kamaradka Jarmila Kralova mne prizvala na vystavu ctryr vytvarniku v Chvalském zámku v Horních Počernicích.( vystavujici: Jarmila Kralova, Daniela Banatova,Lukáš Hausenblaus a Tomáš Jedlička)
Vernisaz k teto vystave jiz probehla, ale o nic neprijdete. 18. kvetna v 19 hodin prostory zamku rozevuci tajemne tony lyry Jana Braunsteina . Jestli budete pobliz jiste si nenechte ujit tento povznasejici zazitek.
Vsechny pozoruhodne vystavene exponaty jsou take k zakoupeni.
Mym dalsim vyznacnym nevysychajicim inspiracnim zdrojem jsou pro mne me poznavaci cesty po Mexiku,Indii, Thajsku, Mongolie a mnoha dalsich kouto sveta,
Kazda cesta ve mne zanechava nezapomenutelne zazitky, ktere trvale ovlinuji mou vytvarnou tvorbu. Tvorba kazdeho malire je ovlivnena filozofii. Ma tvorba je provazena duchem spiritualni, vychodni filozofie, je odrazem mych duchovnich prozitku. Všechny své výpravy do vnějšího i vnitřního světa neznáma se odrazeji v me tvorbe.
Podílela se na nespočtu výstav, setkání umělců, Me opbrazy jsou zastoupeny v soukromych sbirkach po celem svete zejmena Kanadě, v Polsku, Švýcarsku, Jihoafrické Republice, USA , ale i v jinych castech sveta.
Samozrejmne, ze za vzhlednuti take stoji jeji webove stranky
Rada bych Vam opredstavila svou kamaradku Jarmilu Kralovou. Mohla bych o ni povidat dlouho, zname se leta, avsak myslim, ze bych nevystihla vyjadrit lepe to, co ona sama napsala o sobe
K malování se dostala velkou oklikou : Studium na Střední průmyslove škole oděvní, ( jsem zurocila jako modni navrharka a to zejmena v apliakci batiky , malbou ci tiskem na textil,ve svych navrzich jsem vzdy kladla duraz nejen na originalitu, barvnou harmonii, ale take na vytvarnou uroven, nedilnou socasti me tvorby se stala vyroba sperku, nedilna soucast odevu moderni zeny. Take dalsi povolani, ktera jsem v prubehu dalsich let vystridala, mi umoznily vyzrat v mem umeleckem a estickem vyjadreni.Avsak k samotne malbe jsem se propracovala mnohem pozdeji a to diky setkani s ..akademického malířem a grafikem Vratislavem Janem Žižkou, který přednášel idealistickou estetiku na Vysoké škole umělecko - průmyslové.Jeho osobnost mne velmi ovlivnila natolik, ze jsem stala jeho zackou.Mym dalsim vyznacnym nevysychajicim inspiracnim zdrojem jsou pro mne me poznavaci cesty po Mexiku,Indii, Thajsku, Mongolie a mnoha dalsich kouto sveta,
Kazda cesta ve mne zanechava nezapomenutelne zazitky, ktere trvale ovlinuji mou vytvarnou tvorbu. Tvorba kazdeho malire je ovlivnena filozofii. Ma tvorba je provazena duchem spiritualni, vychodni filozofie, je odrazem mych duchovnich prozitku. Všechny své výpravy do vnějšího i vnitřního světa neznáma se odrazeji v me tvorbe.
Podílela se na nespočtu výstav, setkání umělců, Me opbrazy jsou zastoupeny v soukromych sbirkach po celem svete zejmena Kanadě, v Polsku, Švýcarsku, Jihoafrické Republice, USA , ale i v jinych castech sveta.
Samozrejmne, ze za vzhlednuti take stoji jeji webove stranky
Ja osobne se na tehle vystave podilim kolekci palickovanych klouku. Ma posledni tvroba vychazi z inspirace doby 30 let. Na 30 letech mne zaujala ladnost, smysl pro detail a jakasi pokora a ucta, ktera se pomalu vytraci z nasi spolecnosti. Kazdy klobouk je original. Netvorim vice jak jeden z kazdeho navrhu. Proc? Odpoved je jednoducha. Kazda zena chce byt originalni, jedinecna, neopakovatlna.
Klobouk je od nepameti ozdobou zeny, podtrhuje jeji krasu, doplnuje jeji osobnost.
Me palickovane klobouky splnuji naroky moderni sebevedome zeny, ktera obdivuje klasicke a zaroven moderni navrhy.
V pripade, ze Vas ma tvorba zaujala, navstivte, prosim me webove stranky, nebo
Daniela Banatova
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Belleview celebrates 125 years
Belleview celebrates 125 years
By Jackie Alexander
Staff writer
Belleview has grown from the small town it was when Linda Evans moved there in 1970.
"There wasn't even a red light," she said.
Then came the Winn-Dixie. A K-Mart.
"It's just been a tremendous change since 1970," she said.
This year marks the 125th anniversary of Belleview's incorporation, which is being celebrated on Saturday with the annual Founder's Day festival.
The town began around Lake Lillian, when Marion Land and Improvement Co. bought the land.
Belleview, or beautiful view, was named after early setter John Franklin Pelot's daughter.
Voter turnout was better the first election than in recent years: 74 of 100 registered voters cast a ballot.
Today, more than 4,000 people call the City Around the Lake home.
Saturday will be Linda Evans' 40th Founder's Day.
"The people put so much into it," she said. "To me, it's a blessing."
Founder's Day will feature the traditional Miss Belleview pageant, among other pageants.
The all-day family event starts with an opening ceremony at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Mayor Tammy Moore will present six keys to the city to influential members of the city.
New this year, said Chamber of Commerce's Mariah Chaffin, is a free hot-dog eating contest, reminiscent of Takeru Kobayashi's intestinal feats at Coney Island.
For those more rhythmically inclined, there will be a Guitar Hero tournament. On-site registration is available for both.
The chamber, as well as Sweetbay and RaceTrac gas station, will be urging residents to "shop local" with a giveaway.
Participants can enter receipts from local participating businesses in a raffle for $300 in groceries and gas. There will also be other prizes given away.
Being at home is one reason Evans, who received a key to the city, enjoys living in Belleview.
"When you go to the bank or you go to the store, the people know you," Evans said. "Everybody knows everybody in Belleview ... just about."
The size of the town keeps key recipient Daniela Banatova coming back, despite many trips to show art across the world.
Banatova moved to Belleview about 20 years ago from the Czech Republic.
For the past three years, the Art Club of Belleview, which Banatova founded, has participated in Founder's Day.
"This is something that is growing," she said. "It's something that's bringing back memories and showing how the town is changing."
Chaffin said nearly all residents attend Founder's Day festivities. Some 3,500 people took part last year.
With society growing more sequestered, Founder's Day is a needed technology break, Banatova said.
"It's important for society to get back to enjoying being with each other," she said
Contact Jackie Alexander at 867-4140 or
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Rainy day
Dear friends, today is very rainy day. Beautiful day. I love rainy days.
I have to stay home and and can concentrate on my love... bobbin lace.
Since I came back from my trip to South America I have created a two hats. I brought a lot of pictures which will be my inspiration for the future, for my abstracts.
But now I am running little bit out of time. My dear friend Jarmila Kralova (
have invited me to exhibit with her in the April in Czech Republic in Prague. I have promised her, that I would create some hats for this exhibition.
So here I am working on my hats.
This time I chose combination with black. One hat is black and pink, another is black and white and now I am working on yellow and black combination.
I have been thinking for long time to make bobbin lace hats. For some reason I did not start till last year. I did not want to make traditional hats I wanted my hats to be very modern, abstract and original.
This piece I have created under influence of the year 1930. I have listening music form this period of time. And it sound very harmonic and organic to me, I wanted my hats to be on the same waves, to reflect the same harmony which is bringing swing music and be in the same actual in our era too.
I it hard to talk about making bobbin lace. You can talk about making pictures for ages. You can say, why you put this color here and why you are painting roses or this landscape. And then you can talk how you painted this corner of the picture......
With bobbin lace it is very different. You make your design and then you would take bobbins , threads and you will be hard working inch by inch.
Actually it looks like it is more fun to create design. But truth is, it is relaxing and because I do not make my my patterns regular way, I am very creative even when I am actually working on my piece. I have just outlines and that is all. And I am changing patterns and colors, when feel that my first idea was not perfect. This way it is becoming almost a meditation. Design will take its own life and I am just following its flow.
Each hat is original.I am not making another one. I know that each women wants to be original, wants to have something what nobody else have. Therefore I make only one piece of each hat. I am very careful to stay on standard of art .
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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